First published: 26/06/2023 -

Last updated: 02/07/2024 -

Verified by our Editorial Panel

10 top eco-friendly gardening tips for a greener tomorrow

Whether you've got a window box or a wide-open space, every bit of green helps battle climate change. Let's roll up our sleeves, get a little muddy, and plant our way to a cooler planet!

nature - green

Here are 10 top tips to transform your garden into a beacon of sustainability

Plant a Tree
Trees are nature's powerhouse in absorbing carbon dioxide. Whether you plant it in your garden, or have it planted on your behalf, each tree can store carbon equivalent to 11 million car journeys around the planet.

Water Wisely
Use a rainwater butt instead of the mains supply to water your garden. This simple switch can save millions of litres of water annually, making your garden routine more sustainable.

Choose Peat-Free Soil
Peatlands are crucial carbon stores. By going peat-free in your gardening, you prevent carbon release and protect these vital habitats.

Create Your Own Compost
Home-made compost not only enriches your soil but also saves fossil carbon. Every kilogram of home-made compost keeps 0.1kg of fossil carbon from being released.

Ditch the Paving
Replace a square meter of paving with perennial plants. This small change not only enhances your garden’s beauty but also helps sequester carbon, aiding in climate change mitigation.

Cultivate Plants for Pollinators
Pollinators have lost a great deal of habitat, contributing to their decline. Providing bumblebees, other bees, butterflies, moths, flies and other insects with a diverse range of suitable plants, gives these essential creatures much-needed habitats and food sources.

Grow Your Own Flowers
Skip the imported bouquets. The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) recommends growing your own flowers to reduce your carbon footprint and enjoy fresh blooms right from your backyard.

Switch to Electric Garden Tools
Petrol-powered garden tools contribute significantly to carbon emissions. Opt for electric tools to decrease your environmental impact and maintain a quieter, cleaner garden.

Become a Citizen Scientist
Can you spend ten minutes watching flowers and counting insects in good weather? UK Pollinator Monitoring Scheme FIT Counts can be carried out in gardens or parks during warm, dry weather from 1 April to 30 September. Every single count will help to make our data more meaningful.

Eat Locally
Grow your own produce or buy locally grown items. This reduces your food miles, supports local farmers, and cuts down on greenhouse gas emissions.

By implementing these tips, not only will you foster a more sustainable environment, but you'll also create a healthier, more vibrant garden space. Embrace these practices and watch your garden flourish while contributing positively to our planet!



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